

When working with BlazorStatic, you can use dotnet watch to watch all the changes and recreate the generated pages on every change. It is turned on by default

How to Enable Hot Reload

If you'd like to monitor changes in your .md files (and you probably do), you should configure your .csproj file to watch these files (docs):

    <Watch Include="Content/**/*" />

Disable HotReload

To disable HotReload, modify Program.cs:

builder.Services.AddBlazorStaticService(opt => {
    opt.HotReloadEnabled = false;

What's the Benefit of HotReload?

The core philosophy of BlazorStatic is simple:
"Run your app as usual, add BlazorStatic, and it will generate the same website you're currently running on localhost."

With hot reload, we're getting even closer to this philosophy by allowing you to see changes instantly as you develop. Hot reload integrates seamlessly with Blazor SSR (most of the time) and works just as effectively with BlazorStatic.

Previously, when developing your BlazorStatic website, you had to restart the app to see changes—whether in the running application or the generated files. Now, by using dotnet watch, any changes to .razor, .cs, .css, or .md files automatically regenerate the output files.

Technical Details

Implementing hot reload required three key steps:

  1. HotReloadManager: This custom class, marked with the MetadataUpdateHandler attribute, ensures that UpdateApplication is called whenever a hot reload event occurs. The method must be static and named exactly as specified, though the class name is flexible.

  2. Page Regeneration: The application triggers BlazorStatic to regenerate the pages and output the HTML files. This is handled by invoking app.UseBlazorStaticGenerator in Program.cs as usual. Cleanup is performed for PagesToGenerate and ContentToCopyToOutput, and options are re-evaluated to account for any changes in AddBlazorStaticService.

  3. Markdown File Updates: To update .md files, they must be copied to the bin folder, where they are parsed and added to PagesToGenerate. This is facilitated by the <Watch Include="Content/**/*" /> directive. Changes to these files are considered a "rude edit," triggering a full rebuild. However, this process is quick since no significant source code changes are involved.


The feature generally works as expected, even for changes in Program.cs, which isn't always the case for other settings. However, there are a few limitations and potential issues:

  • The entire output folder is regenerated on every change, regardless of the file type. Modifying a single .md file will result in deleting and recreating all output. This isn't a problem with a few pages, but performance could degrade with larger sites.
    This highlights the need for performance optimization. Previously, optimizations weren't critical because the generation process ran only once. This is no longer the case.
  • Additional limitations might be discovered as we gather more feedback.


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